Show me the way I should go

Devotional Written by Awaken Team Member, Samantha Papp

Key Verse: “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalms 143:8 NIV

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I hit the ground running each day. From the second my morning alarm goes off until I go to sleep at night, I bounce from activity to activity to activity with barely any time to breathe. Sometimes, I get so focused on my to-do lists that it’ll be lunch time before I spend time with Jesus! And let me tell you: on those days, I can tell a difference. When I don’t spend time with Jesus first thing in the morning, I find myself more irritable, less patient, and less kind. This is the beauty of abiding in Jesus: the more we spend time with Him, the more we look like Him. This verse provides such great promise and gentle nudge to turn our eyes to Jesus first thing in the morning. Every day, we have the opportunity to turn to Jesus, and He will give us all the guidance we need!



