Leaving Sodom

Devotional Written by Awaken The Nation Team Member, Nicole

In Genesis 18, Abraham pleads with the Lord to not destroy Sodom because his nephew Lot was still living there. In Genesis 19, the Lord found Sodom to be ridden with sin and he needed to destroy it. The angels visiting Lot’s house gave him a warning that Sodom was going to be destroyed and that they needed to leave. Scripture says that Lot hesitated but the angels still led him and his family safely out of the city. They were given directions to flee to the mountains while not stopping to look back. 

God saved Lot, and the family that would leave with him, from burning with the rest of Sodom. How merciful and loving is a God who answered Abraham’s prayers to save his family from a city that was overridden with sin. 

Lot and his family reached Zoar, a town where they were safely allowed to find shelter. Although they had clear instructions not to look back, Lot’s wife did and she became a pillar of salt. 

Has there been a time in your life where you have been convicted of sin and the Lord has given you a way out? Maybe you don’t want to leave your old ways but God has taken you by your hand to walk you out anyways? 

Know that the same merciful God who led Lot and his family out of Sodom is the same God who can guide you out of your area of sin too.  Once you begin walking don’t look back.  He has led you out for a reason, and if you walk with him, he has a life for you that is better than you could have ever imagined. 


Be Still

